Saturday 26 October 2013

" My Childhood "

Lets us take a memory walk of our childhood moments. Surely some will laugh even by mentioning it.:)

Chart of my growth : Me as baby to an adult.

       Gosh !! I missed my childhood moments. I still remember, when I was a baby the world seems to be the place of happiness and fun to me as there was nothing worth worrying about. There was no stress and no tension about anything. Its was so nice when I cried someone will pick me up and feed me. I was always with someone. As I was the first girl in the family after my two brothers so I was pampered a lot. I was always accompanied by either of them and they won't let me cry even a little. That's was so sweet nah!!

As a baby.
Both my brother pampering with attention.

         As I start growing I turned out to be the most mischievous kid. As I was closed to my brothers I turned to be boyish. I love to prank people and annoy them to death. Hahaha.. There is one incident that I still remember until today. One day while I was waiting for my mother after school, there was a boy aged around 11 years old from my school waiting for his parents as well. He was having the cone ice cream. As he was enjoying his ice cream so wonderfully I got jealous as I don't have money to buy the ice cream. The next thing I did was so shocking to him and his friends. I went to him and smudge the ice cream on his face. His face was full with ice cream. His cheek was so pinkish. Hahahaha. He was so shocked to react and I took that the opportunity to run from there. Thank God!! Mum reached at the exact moment and pick me up. If not I'm sure I will be a death meat. That was when I was seven years old. Lolz ;)

          The next thing I did when I was eleven years old was kind of too much. I got a lot scolding and lecturing for that too. I had gone out with some of boys friend from school on an outing for a theme park. We supposed to come back after have dinner but instead of coming back we went for a midnight movie show. I didn't inform my parents about the changes of plan. On the top of that, my phone battery was dead. The time I came back was very dark. My parents were very anxious as they searched for me everywhere but I could not be found. Finally, when I returned at 3am my father jumped on me and held me firmly by my arm. He was about to slap me when my mother came forward to save me. I was let off with a strong scolding and long lecturing. My father have been always the one who pampered me the most compared to my mother and brothers. But that day I saw the first day he got angry. The next day, I told sorry to my father and promised him that I will never do the same mistake again.

     As I grew in age, life have changes. As we grow more older, the more responsible we tend to be. Life is no more simple and easy as it have been when I was young. Playing and jumping around with no worries. Now, I have my duty as a daughter, sister, student and friend to be fulfilled. I have turned from a mischievous to a matured lady. lolz

      I believed that childhood is the phase of life which is the most enjoying and care-free. There are no duties and responsibilities on our shoulders to worry about.  All we care is eats, drinks, sleeps and plays. When I ate a piece of bread during kid, I never wonder from where it comes but now I understand that we need to work hard to earn something in life. Nothing comes free without any effort. Therefore, its true when people say " A child lives in a bliss of ignorance and innocence." It also said that " Heaven lies about us in our fancy". The memories of those days are something I will treasure always. Its makes me feel happy and good.

"Malaysian Taboos"

    Salam 1Malaysia. This time I want to share with you all about the taboos in Malaysia according to the main races. The three main races taboos I going to talk about are Malay, Chinese and Indian.


         Malay community. Too many taboo that has been presented to us, especially when we were children. As a child, I always wondered whether the prohibition is true or plot. Before puberty at that time, I certainly will not be able to know the truth. But the more I mature, I almost find the answer. But I am not sure whether the answer is true or merely hypothetical. I hope with the assumptions, you can leave comments.
Among the common taboo I have heard are as follows:
a) Barefoot in the House

    If you enter a Muslim home, it is best to remove your shoes. Muslims are sticklers for cleanliness; and one does not know what dirt the shoes will bring into the house. Often, common areas such as the living room are used for group prayers. For the Muslim, contact with faeces, for example, requires vigorous washing with water and clay. It will greatly inconvenience your host to have to clean the house in this way.
b) Shaking Hands

      The Malay handshake does not have the vigorous shake of the Western mode. It is instead a tight grip and each person brings his or her to touch the left chest (where the heart is). This symbolises the sincerity of the action. Although the basic handshake involves the right hand only, often both hands are extended and clasped. This reinforces the sincerity of the action.Do not be offended if you extend your hand to a person of the opposite sex, and it is not taken. Handshaking between different sexes is strongly discouraged. Islam forbids physical contact between the sexes.Handshaking between young and old Muslims has an additional action. The younger party would bow down to the level of the elder’s hand and kiss it. During Hari Raya, the younger one has to bow down on one or both knees, and kiss the hand of the seated elder as he or she seeks forgiveness.
"Jangan duduk atas bantal, nnt punggung bisul" (do not sit on the pillow or else you will get sores on your backside).The reason is, the pillows are used of the head, so it is not polite to sit on it.

     "Jangan menyanyi di dapur, nanti dapat suami tua" (do not sing in the kitchen, or you (woman) will marry someone who is way older than you expect).There is also forbidden taboo that it sounds very prank. It sounds like this, “girls who are not married can not sing in the kitchen, as feared would be delayed marriage”. Very terrible and obsessive thought all girls right? As a precaution, many girls afraid to sing in the kitchen. They decided to sing in the toilet, they bark with emotions and think of themselves is like Jaclyn Victor. The reason is you might be careless while cooking in order to avoid accidents.
"Jangan keluar senja, nanti kena sorok dengan hantu payu-dara". (do not go out and play at dusk, or you might be kidnapped by boogey-woman).The reason is, most Malays are Muslims, so it is not good to go out at dusk because the devils and djinns usually wander at dusk.

Jangan kencing dekat busut, nanti bengkak kemaluan(Malay words for private part). (do not urinate on termite bunk, or your(male) penis might be swollen.
The reason is first, it is impolite to wee-wee out of nowhere. Secondly, a bunk might be a resting place for supernatural spirits and it might curse anyone who mess up their place.
c) Malay wedding
i) Seeing your sweetheart 40 days before the Ijab Kabul
It’s certainly not encouraged to see your future husband or wife within the 40 days before the ijab Kabul (holy matrimony) is taking place. It’s done so to avoid the future newlyweds from imputation of society as well as other bad things.
ii) Drinking cold water and soy bean milk
Cold water and soy bean milk are not encouraged to be consumed before the wedding day as they’re believed to be bad for the sexual organs (in other words, they might cause the sex organ to dysfunction temporarily which is a bad thing if you want to perform superbly for your partner and make a good first impression in bed).
That being said, remember to just follow whatever your grandmother or aunt or anyone else in your family told you to do during your wedding as it’s much easier to not complain or question the elderly. However, since we’re fast approaching the modern times, most of the mentioned taboos are not being taken that seriously anymore as Malay people are becoming less traditional and superstitious compared to the yesteryears.
              The Chinese have been practising their taboos for instance during pregnancy . The Chinese believe that pregnant ladies should not hold scissors especially near their marital bed as it is believed that it will affect the foetus and the baby might born incomplete (with some disabilities ). They also believe that one should surround themselves with beautiful pictures of children's as it is believed to give a happy and stress-free birth .  Pregnant  ladies are also advised not to attend funerals  and if they are about to attend they should wear a red scarf around their belly well as a lucky talisman . In some households pregnant women's are restricted from attending a wedding and touching the bride. Since there is a superstition that the pregnant lady might bring bad luck to the bride. Pregnant mothers are also encouraged to eat more or bigger portions. This to ensure that the pregnant mother is nutritious and the food could help protect and strengthen then.
          They also have taboos during the Chinese new year . During the reunion party of the night before the Chinese new year fish is a customary dish that will be served that signifies for more abundance and property for the new year . Nothing should also be broken during a Chinese new year. Sharp objects should also be avoided and all windows and doors should be open during new year  to send out the old days n welcome the new year . One should not have any debt or lend on the auspicious day . It is also believed that a person should not cry during the day because it is said that you will be crying the whole day and avoid hair wash as it may wash away all your lucks.
      The Chinese believe strongly that good things comes in pair. Thus, they always avoid odd number for birthdays and weddings . They also avoid the number  four (si) that since it sounds like death in mandarin . having addresses that contain number  four, phone numbers and license plates will be avoided .In terms of food , young children should not eat chicken feet that its believed that they wont be able to write well when they start their schooling. They also believe that leaving food on plate especially grains of rice will end getting married to a spouse with many pockmarks on his or her face of the person .


             Pointing with your index finger is considered rude, Indians prefer to point with their chin. Sometimes they use their thumb to point out someone. Feet are considered unclean, so never point your feet at another person. You will be expected to apologize whenever your shoes or feet touch another person .You might also avoid stepping over or touching any books or papers with your feet. Book is the thing that they respect highly .According to them book is the matter they gain knowledge so they show their respect through not cross or step it .Do not touch anyone or receive/give anything with one’s left hand, as the left hand is only used for one’s “morning business. ”Do not hurt a cow, as many Hindus consider the cows are holy, and are offended if they are hit by strangers. You're not supposed to cut your finger/toenails after 6:00 PM. It is inauspicious to start a new venture on Saturday. According   to them Saturday will not bring any luck to them and if they start any business on Saturday it will not be fruitfully. The day is considered unsuitable for marriages and ceremonies .
              Black cats are inauspicious and are associated with witchcraft. Usually if cats come across them when they on the to go out they will think it is as bad omen and remark it as an obstacle .Some will not continue go to the place and some will wait for few minutes can  continue. Bathing in the Ganges river, leads one to heaven .During festivals season they practiced to take oil bath. According to their ancient believes oil act as natural anti-bacterial and  natural body heat remover .They use turmeric to take their shower too because it known as superior anti-bacterial .Wash the legs before go inside the house after come from outside .According to them if we wash their  leg  the evils that follows them will run away .Washing leg is a sign of chasing away the spirits away. All the family member must be as vegetarian for one month if any of the family member past away in their  family .Never wear shoes inside  house and temple .Female  put a black mark on forehead as sign of chasing away evils. Should not cross the legs when elders sit  in front.

Saturday 12 October 2013

" Gems may be precious, but soul is priceless..."

Salam and Hello !!!

       I just read about baby dumping and I am very sad about that. Do you know that baby dumping cases are not rare and not just occur in Malaysia but all over the world. Baby dumping is one of the easiest ways done by couples who commits adultery and pregnancy. According to this case, only the woman will get blame and burden on the adultery and because of they did not want to be ashamed for doing so they threw the baby in places that should not be especially in the area of ​​the landfill, ditch, toilet bowls, and public places. How a human could do that? For me, they are not deserved to call a human but an animal. A human will never ever do that because human nature is to love each other.

       Malaysian was shocked by the news of disintegrates the body of a baby boy near Sentul one day. According to the news, a baby boy who still stringed found dead with broken head at centre believed that had been thrown from the fifth floor of an apartment. The baby was alive before had been throwing because based on the blood stains found on the stairs at the fifth floor of an apartment that baby was brought.

A dumped baby 

      Other case is at Lane Industries Developed Eight near Juru Autocitya suspicious action of two men who carry a hoe and speeding motorcycle through dirt road leading to the discovery the body of baby boy. More surprising, the criminals can say 'kind heart' because when placing anti ants, scissors and as well wrap the baby using diapers. The crowd realized after finding two men riding a motorcycle type MZ 125 in suspicious to that dirt road about 3.15 pm. When the crowd to that place these two men were believed to bury something, they found the body of a boy with half his body from the neck to down was buried. The baby was taken to the Hospital Bukit Mertajam for post mortem and the case is being investigated under Section 318 of the Penal Code which conceals the birth.

        Lastly, a newborn baby boy wrapped in a towel was found abandoned in the bushes beside the gate of Child Care Centre (Nursery) in Kampung Titi Teduri, Mukim Pulai. Baby found with wounds on the body due to contact with thorns, and workers found the nursery owner 10am. Baby weighing three kilograms with stringed was cut with rope found in a weak condition and there are ants on his body. This baby boy is believed was born at a several hours before being found. The owner of that nursery, Siti Hawa Othman 40 years old said two teachers at nursery saw blood during help their students brush teeth before the baby was found three feet from their stand. Siti Hawa of pick up and clean the dirt that is stuck on that baby body and then made ​​a police report.

Baby boy found in bushes near the nursery in Kampung Titi Tenduri, Mukim Pulai.

          Even animals love their children. Why not a human also do that? God makes human perfect sense to think rationally. 

                                                                           p/s : People, please think before you do something.

Sunday 6 October 2013

World Poverty

      Do you know about 20,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations which is equal to one person for every four second. Sadly, it is children who die most often. Although there are tonnes of food in the world but still such situation occurs due to hunger people are still trapped in severe poverty.

        What is world poverty and what are the causes? Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. Relative poverty is defined contextually as economic inequality in the location or society in which people live.
          Among the causes of world poverty are :-

  • Overpopulation
  • Global distribution and resources
  • High standard of living and costs of living
  • Inadequate education and employment
  • Environmental degradation
  • Economic and demographic trends

   Overpopulation is the situation when there is a large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space. It can result from high population density where the ratio of people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of persons per square kilometer or square mile. In undeveloped country people live by simple farming, gardening, herding numbers of people because these labor-intensive subsistence activities produce only small amounts of food. Whereas, in developed countries they produce large quantities of food through mechanized farming, which depends on commercial fertilizers, large-scale irrigation, and agricultural machinery. This form of production provides enough food to support the high densities of people in metropolitan areas.

        Global distribution and resources when there is an unequal distribution of resources in the world economy, developed countries continue to practice a form of colonialism, known as neocolonialism. The affluence of these countries is based to a large extent on favourable trade with the developing world. Developed countries have been able to get inexpensive natural resources from poorer countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, including oil for power, ores and minerals for manufacturing durable goods, and manufactured goods made by low-wage workers in factories operated by multinational corporations. This practice contributes to the dependency of poorer countries while not raising their standards of living.

        High standard of living and living cost also contributes to poverty. The standard of people living in developed nations are generally higher and tend to have a high cost of living since people in developed nations may have more wealth and resources than those in developing countries. Thus, people who have what would be considered adequate wealth and resources in developing countries may be considered poor in developed countries. Due to the high cost of living people in developed countries cannot obtain adequate food, clothing, and shelter without ample amounts of money. People who cannot find or maintain well-paying jobs often have no spare income for discretionary or emergency expenses, and many rely on government welfare payments to survive.

           Inadequate education and employment is also a major factor contributing to world poverty. In poor countries illiteracy and lack of education is very common. Although the government of these poor countries are trying to inculcate the importance of education , they are not affordable to provide good public schools. Without education, most people will not be able to get an income-generating work and chooses to concentrate on making a minimal living . Even in developed countries, unemployment rates may be high. When people do not have work, they do not make any money that causes high unemployment leads to high levels of poverty.

          Environmental degradation , economic and demographic trends as well as individual responsibility and welfare dependency also involved in causing the world poverty . Environmental degradation where the deterioriation of the natural environment leads to the shortage of food, clean water, materials for shelter, and other important resource. Through economic and demographic trend it could be seen that changes in labour market and in many developed nations the number of people living in poverty has increased due to rising disparities in the distribution of resources within these countries.


Malnutritioned kids due to inadequate food source

Newspaper article on death rate

Can the world carry the overpopulation???

So,what you think about the world poverty people?? 

Thursday 3 October 2013



"Why were you so rude to your brother?" I asked. "He drove all the way over here to deliver that package to you. But you didn't invite him  inside your apartment. You didn't offer him anything to drink or eat. Then, when he was talking to you, you kept telling him to speak faster. He was speaking slowly because he knows your English isn't that good—he was just being polite. Finally, when he and I sat down in the living room, you just went to your computer and started typing away." I said to Gladys in frustration.

I  tried to explain to Ricole that what I saw between him and his brother was their normal interaction. Roland was simply delivering a package; there was nothing for the two of them to chat about. Further, Roland felt that his brother’s apartment had an odor; he usually didn't even come inside the apartment when he visited. In addition, Roland was very picky about what he drank and ate—he wasn't interested in eating Gladys’s junk food.I asked Ricole to pacify Gladys.Ricole said that nowdays Gladys being impolite to his only and only brother

 Ricole was just trying to communicate with Gladys.He just wished that Gladys would be more polite to his brother."When my sister visits me,"he said, " I hug her, I invite her inside, we eat and drink and talk, and we just have a good time with each other." But you both behaving like strangers.I think you are hurting your brother and never behave in good manner with him.You better seek apologize to your brother.Gladys never utter any word to Ricole.Few moments later he started to cry.He screamed and shouted to Ricole ‘you know how much do I love him’.

Well, Ricole  told him,now I aware that you both polite and loving to each other only that you both do not have time to shower it.Then Roland entered the room where the conversation is going on.Unexpectedly Gladys ran towards Roland and hugged his brother tightly and and said ‘I am sorry for IMPOLITENESS !! ' .We were in tears at last.

Hope you all like it...Next post is in the process...:)

Self Introduction :P

Hello people!! I’m here to start our first post for this blog.This is for our “Fundamental of English” assignment. In this assignment we are four in a group:
        1. Simrenjit Kaur a/p Guardial Singh   (55201113675)
        2. Thacana a/p Sarvesparan                   (55201113442)
        3. Syaira Aliaa Bt Yusof                         (55201113595)
        4. Nanthini a/p Saravanam                    (55201113583)
We are first year students for Degree in Chemical Engineering (Process) at Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Chemical & Bioengineering Technology (UniKL MICET) , Melaka. We would like to thank our lovely lecturer Miss Nurul Hijah Bt Jasman for giving us the exposure of blog which will help us to improve and broaden our English Skills and knowledge.

Let's start by introducing ourself more briefly:

Namastey!! I'm Simren or also known as Simmy. I'm from Batu Caves, Selangor. I did my Foundation in Science at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). My passion is cooking and baking.I love reading novels when I have free time. My favorite author is Sophie Kinsella .I have two elder brothers and one younger sister. My dad works as taxi driver while my mum is a house-wife. I'm very grateful to god for blessing me with lovely family and  wonderful friends. <3

Me and my darling sister...<3 <3

Hi I'm Thacana. I'm from Cheras , Selangor. I'm after Foundation in Science from President College. I love listening to songs. I have an elder brother and a younger brother. My dad is a clerk at a legal firm and my mom is a housewife. I'm a very fun going person and love making friends . Life is always the way we look at it and overcome.  Nothing will be easy without a little struggle and hardwork. So just take life and problems as what it is and go with the flow. Everything will be fine then.

Me and my buddy...:)

Salam! I'm Aliaa. I'm from Selayang, Selangor. I studied at UiTM Penang. My hobby is watching movies and the most I like is Korean movie. Yusof Bin Latiff is my father's name and Faridah Bt Idris is my mother's name. He works at Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur and my mother is a housewife. I have two elder brothers and one younger brother. Their name are Sabree Syahmi Bin Yusof, Sabri Syafiq Bin Yusof and Sabree Syazwan Bin Yusof. My dream is to be an engineer just like my eldest brother.

Me and my family...:)

Hi,I'm Nanthini Saravanam.I'm from Kulai Jaya,Johor.I did my STPM at Johor.My hobby is to read fiction based books.I'm just an ordinary girl in moderate.I love to listen to melodies songs and i love to sing too.Dancing is my passion.I have one younger sister and one younger brother.Life is like puzzle,it takes time for all pieces of your life to come together.So chill friends. 


So that's all for the intro.The next one will be updated soon!!