Saturday 26 October 2013

" My Childhood "

Lets us take a memory walk of our childhood moments. Surely some will laugh even by mentioning it.:)

Chart of my growth : Me as baby to an adult.

       Gosh !! I missed my childhood moments. I still remember, when I was a baby the world seems to be the place of happiness and fun to me as there was nothing worth worrying about. There was no stress and no tension about anything. Its was so nice when I cried someone will pick me up and feed me. I was always with someone. As I was the first girl in the family after my two brothers so I was pampered a lot. I was always accompanied by either of them and they won't let me cry even a little. That's was so sweet nah!!

As a baby.
Both my brother pampering with attention.

         As I start growing I turned out to be the most mischievous kid. As I was closed to my brothers I turned to be boyish. I love to prank people and annoy them to death. Hahaha.. There is one incident that I still remember until today. One day while I was waiting for my mother after school, there was a boy aged around 11 years old from my school waiting for his parents as well. He was having the cone ice cream. As he was enjoying his ice cream so wonderfully I got jealous as I don't have money to buy the ice cream. The next thing I did was so shocking to him and his friends. I went to him and smudge the ice cream on his face. His face was full with ice cream. His cheek was so pinkish. Hahahaha. He was so shocked to react and I took that the opportunity to run from there. Thank God!! Mum reached at the exact moment and pick me up. If not I'm sure I will be a death meat. That was when I was seven years old. Lolz ;)

          The next thing I did when I was eleven years old was kind of too much. I got a lot scolding and lecturing for that too. I had gone out with some of boys friend from school on an outing for a theme park. We supposed to come back after have dinner but instead of coming back we went for a midnight movie show. I didn't inform my parents about the changes of plan. On the top of that, my phone battery was dead. The time I came back was very dark. My parents were very anxious as they searched for me everywhere but I could not be found. Finally, when I returned at 3am my father jumped on me and held me firmly by my arm. He was about to slap me when my mother came forward to save me. I was let off with a strong scolding and long lecturing. My father have been always the one who pampered me the most compared to my mother and brothers. But that day I saw the first day he got angry. The next day, I told sorry to my father and promised him that I will never do the same mistake again.

     As I grew in age, life have changes. As we grow more older, the more responsible we tend to be. Life is no more simple and easy as it have been when I was young. Playing and jumping around with no worries. Now, I have my duty as a daughter, sister, student and friend to be fulfilled. I have turned from a mischievous to a matured lady. lolz

      I believed that childhood is the phase of life which is the most enjoying and care-free. There are no duties and responsibilities on our shoulders to worry about.  All we care is eats, drinks, sleeps and plays. When I ate a piece of bread during kid, I never wonder from where it comes but now I understand that we need to work hard to earn something in life. Nothing comes free without any effort. Therefore, its true when people say " A child lives in a bliss of ignorance and innocence." It also said that " Heaven lies about us in our fancy". The memories of those days are something I will treasure always. Its makes me feel happy and good.

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